Cultural differences at mergers and acquisitions between Dutch and Belgian companies

The success of post-merger integration processes largely depends on tackling the cultural differences of the companies involved. In case companies are located in different countries, e.g. Belgium/Netherlands an additional layer is added to the cultural complexity.
This training has been specifically designed to cope preferably upfront – i.e. at the early stage of a PMI process, with such BE/NL issues.
Jan Jaeken (BE) has been professionally active in both the Netherlands and Belgium for over 17 years and has been at the middle of several M&A projects. The course is based on scientific work performed Prof. Hofstede (Maastricht University) and has been complemented with Jan’s own observations.  The sessions are highly interactive. Participants are encouraged to share their personal issues and experience on cultural differences during the meeting.
For optimal results the training is finetuned with the client upfront. We organize this training in-house only.

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