IIBLC testimonials ENG

“ I choose to do the exam for lean certification with IIBLC® as it is an international and independent organization.   Especially my certification as CBBL (Certified Black Belt Lean) was a great asset when I applied for my new job: Global Plan Excellence Director for EMEA which I got. It was a nice promotion. I use my learnings every day and my internal customers do recognize it as a special added value.  IIBLC® certification gave me a wider vision of professional opportunities and I am now a great supporter of  Lean. I am even now partnering with an exam center to become instructor for the CGBL training."

Veronique Adenis, Director Global Plan Excellence EMEA, J&J Zug, Switzerland

"Despite the fact that I had already had a degree in Japanese Management (JEMBA - Japan-Emphasis MBA) from University of Hawaii and Japan-America Institute of Management Science and had been lucky to study lean in Japan from Japanese lean consultants and practitioners from UFJ and Juki Institutes and had been already practicing lean for around 10 years I still felt the need for specialized education and certification. The idea to get CGBL(Certified Green Belt Lean) certification came to me after introduction to IIBLC® and its president Luc Van Landeghem explaining me the value of an international and independent certification. I am glad that I did it and plan to continue practicing lean and intend to get CBBL (Certified Black Belt Lean) soon."
Andrey Matusevich, Deputy General Manager, Chief Operations Officer at KMZ, Moscow