How can I get certified?

  • The program is built on a step-by-step approach. This means that a candidate has to pass through the different levels: Green belt and Black belt to achieve the Champion certificate.
  • For the first level a theoretical exam has to be passed, for the other levels both a theoretical exam and a written report on a real-life case study is required.
  • Theoretical: Each level has to take a written proficiency test.   The tests consist of randomly chosen questions which have been drawn up by the Content Committee and will not be identical to any former test.
  • Format: paper & pencil exam consisting of multiple choice questions
  • Passing rate: a score of 70% is required to pass the test
  • Practical: For the Black Belt in Lean and Champion in Lean, a written report on a practical application will demonstrate competency in a hands-on environment. This report needs to be received by IIBLC® within 1 year after taking the successful theoretical test.
  • The report has to be signed off by the management of the company the application was performed at. The management sign-off authorizes IIBLC® to carry out an on-site audit if the latter wishes to do so. The report will be evaluated by one or more members of the Content Committee who will not be a fellow-citizen.
  • Reports on the practical applications have to be sent to the IIBLC® HQ.
  • Passing rate: a score of 65% is required to pass. If you pass, you receive the certificate, if you fail, you receive a comment sheet.